Electric service is provided by PG&E. Residents must initiate electric service directly with PG&E prior to moving in at 1-800-743-5000 or www.pge.com. The service start date must be the same date as your lease start date. PG&E will bill you monthly via postal mail or electronically and will provide instructions to create an online account for bill payment. If you are concerned about power outages, consider subscribing to PG&Es notification service.
Fiber optic internet service is provided by
Mereo Networks. Your Internet connection is ready and waiting for you upon move-in and there is no need to initiate internet service. Once you are moved in, please call Mereo Networks for your Wi-Fi Network Name and Password at 844-44-MEREO. Mereo Networks support is happy to assist you 24/7 in troubleshooting your wireless connections to achieve optimal performance. A dedicated wireless access point has been installed in each apartment and no extra equipment is required for internet access. For a hardline connection, simply plug one end of an ethernet cable into the port on your device and the other into the main feed port in the faceplate within your living room and enjoy! Your monthly internet access fee of $35.00 will be automatically posted to your resident portal account on the first of each month. One-time or recurring payments for this service can be set up through your
Resident Portal to be paid with your rent. There is no option to opt out of this service.
Water and sewer service are provided by the City of San Luis Obispo. Each apartment is equipped with a
Next Century hot and cold water sub-meter and an interior display reader for easy monitoring. Sewer and Domestic Hot Water charges are calculated via a Ratio Utility Billing System (RUBS) tied to the sub-metered water use. Monthly billing is provided by Conservice. Monthly charges are posted directly to resident accounts by the 20th of each month for the previous months usage and these charges become payable with the next monthly rent payment. Invoices are made readily available via the Resident Portal. There is no need to initiate water and sewer service as this will be done automatically upon move-in.
Leasing Inquiries; connect-slo-apartments@rent.dynasty.com
Resident Inquiries: connectslo@fah.com
3110 Duncan Road
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401